Support for Ramadan 

Arrangements for Ramadan 2024

Ramadan is due to run between 11th of March to 10th of April. We wish to support all of our students who are fasting and the arrangements to do this are shown below;


Lunchtime Arrangements

Girls who are fasting and wish to avoid the Food Courts during lunchtime can make use of rooms E4 (Lunch 1) and E4 and E5 (Lunch 2) in Emmeline which have been set aside for this purpose. Girls are also all welcome in the Food Courts if they would prefer. Water and a snack will be available from the food court at the end of the day for students who are fasting and eligible for Free School Meals.


Afternoon Prayer

We are aware that the flexibility allowed around prayer times means that afternoon prayer will not need to be completed before 3pm at any point. As some of our girls travel some distance to get to us E5 will be made available at the end of the day for prayer before the girls leave school. Girls who wish to bring in a prayer mat may do so and it will be stored in E5.


PE and Sport

PE and sport lessons will continue during the Ramadan period and girls will be expected to participate. Less strenuous options will be available for fasting girls.



Students are allowed to listen to Music during Ramadan if it is for the purpose of educational study so music lessons will continue as normal.


Examinations and assessments

Whilst there are no external examinations during Ramadan, there will be a small number of assessments taking place for Year 11 during the time between now and the Easter holidays. Students who are fasting must still sit these assessments as they are a crucial part of their examination preparation.


Due to the importance of assessments for further education and career prospects, girls sitting assessments will need to seriously and thoughtfully take their future and their studies into account, alongside their previous experiences of Ramadan when deciding how they will observe Ramadan this year. Girls and their families should be made aware that Islam does not require them to put their futures in jeopardy.


Year 11 and 13 Revision sessions will also be taking place in school during the Easter holidays and again, it is in the interests of the students to attend. We will not schedule any sessions on the day on which Eid will fall as we understand that students will want to spend the day with their families.


Safeguarding and Health

School is aware that the decision to fast is taken by individuals and families, so we do not assume that students are fasting and neither do we ask families or students if this is the case. However, if a student presents with ill health or dehydration we will enquire as to if they are fasting since this will be a welfare issue. We have been advised that students in ill health can break their fast temporarily if this will make them well so we will offer water in cases where it is appropriate. Our advice is that the lost fasting time due to illness can be made up later.


Our students who are fasting during Ramadan should be encouraged as much as possible to have their Suhoor as this will ensure that they have the essential nutrients and hydration they would need to function at their best throughout the school day. Thus is especially the case for those students involved in assessments.

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