Countdown Plans
Following the Year 11 and Year 13 mock exams faculty teams have completed extensive analysis of the performance of students in their exams. From this work countdown plans have been created which will prepare students as well as possible for their forthcoming exams. The aim of these plans is to:
- Ensure students have all the teaching they need before the exams start
- Build on the strengths you have shown previously
- Address any weaknesses or misconceptions
- Ensure students complete the right tasks, at the right time to be prepared
- Provide the most beneficial revision opportunities
- Help students to manage expectations and workload as the exam approach
View or download the Countdown Plan pack here Countdown plan year 11
We are confidence that these plans will help students to:
- Have confidence that we have a plan for the next, vital part of Year 11
- Plan how to prepare as well as possible for what is coming
- Understand the key learning that will be focused on
- Understand the opportunities each subject has planned for them to maximise their potential
Please note: that although the Countdown Plans generally run to the start of the examinations in May, work will continue throughout the exam period as this is a period where revision opportunities are provided in school during the exam period. We will publish a full timetable of Easter revision sessions and pre-exam revision closer to the date. The exam season runs until the last Contingency Date which is 25/6/25 and students must be available on this date in case it is used.
Thank you for all the support you offer to your daughter from now, until the end of the final exam.
Additional Information
for parents and students

Values and Ethos
Holly Lodge Girls’ College is committed to an inclusive school ethos which promotes race equality…

School documents
Complete list of Holly Lodge Girls’ College policy and procedure documents for download …

School Gallery
See all the latest images from our school trips, sporting events and fun days involving our students …

School Facilities
Holly Lodge Girls’ College has some of the most impressive and modern facilities in liverpool…
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0151 228 3772
140 Mill Lane, Liverpool L12 7LE