July 11th 2018

Dear parents / carers

Today year 9 are taking part in an emergency planning day run by Sefton Educational Business Partnerships. The purpose of the day is to make pupils more aware of the wide range of employment opportunities and higher education choices available to them in the future. This is being done in the context of a real emergency scenario. In our case the school is role playing what would happened if a meteorite landed on the school field.

As part of this role play as pupils came into school today they would have seen an ‘incident’ on the school field. This is not for real and there is no cause for alarm. In the first instance we are playing along with this as if it were for real but all pupils will be reassured very soon that this in fact a role play and that school will be carrying on as normal.


Yours sincerely



Richard Clift


Assistant Headteacher

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