A FIVE Star Performer achieving her ambition

A FIVE Star Performer achieving her ambition

On Saturday 12th March, Mr Maloney travelled down to London to see ex-Holly Lodge student, Ellie Clayton, perform in her third year Musical Theatre piece; “A Chorus Line” as Val, alongside other London Central School of Speech and Drama students. Ellie has had an...
Easter Revision classes 2018 Years 11 and 13

Easter Revision classes 2018 Years 11 and 13

Date AM PM MARCH Monday 26th Y11 Geography Mr Finnegan Y11 French Miss Cassidy Y11 History Mrs Scott Tuesday 27th A level Sociology Mrs Bailey A level History Mrs Murphy Y11 RE Ms Lee Y11 French Miss Cassidy Y11 French Miss Stafford Y11 RE Mrs Bailey RE A level  Ms...
BBC School Report 2018

BBC School Report 2018

For this year’s BBC School News Reports day, Year 10 students have been planning, producing and editing stories around three main topics: women in sport, homelessness and stem cell treatment for cancer. The team have worked exceptionally hard at lunch times and after...
Shaping Futures Creative Writing Programme

Shaping Futures Creative Writing Programme

Some of our year 10 students have been selected to take part in a very exciting creative writing programme led by Shaping Futures. The sessions combine creative writing skills with careers and options information through the topic of ‘when I grow up I want to be…’...

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