Holly Lodge in Parliament

Holly Lodge in Parliament

Head Girl Mona Dimitrova recently spent a week shadowing West Derby MP Stephen Twigg in parliament and in his constituency office. She had an excellent time and was a credit to herself and her school. Find out more by reading the attached documents….. Parliament Visit...
Year 11 half term revision programme

Year 11 half term revision programme

Dear parent / carer, As part of the continued support programme for your daughter during her GCSE exams the English Maths and Science departments have volunteered to run some extra revision lessons during the half term break. The details are in the table below....
BBC School Report 2018

BBC School Report 2018

For this year’s BBC School News Reports day, Year 10 students have been planning, producing and editing stories around three main topics: women in sport, homelessness and stem cell treatment for cancer. The team have worked exceptionally hard at lunch times and after...
Young Writers

Young Writers

Last December, some of our girls took part in a writing competition run by YoungWriters, called ‘Stranger Sagas’.  This competition was organised in conjunction with secondary schools all over the UK and over 20 000 entries were received. We are thrilled that over 60...

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